My Trip to PAX Prime

PAX Prime was a few weeks ago, but it felt like I was just there yesterday. I’ve never been to a gaming convention and PAX Prime was my first one. Not bad for my first convention. PAX Prime is held in Seattle every year, I don’t know why I never went before. I’m only a few short hours away. I’m glad I went this year, I had a ton of fun and met a lot of great YouTuber’s. Like FPS Russia, Syndicate, Dodger, and many more. I even got to play a few games early. I made sure to record footage when I was at PAX Prime for myself and my subscribers. Here is all the footage I got at PAX Prime that I thought was worth sharing, enjoy!






Why I’m Not Active

I’ll be the first to admit. I’m not the most active channel on YouTube. Heck I hardly update this blog. Now I have my reasons for not uploading as much I probably should. One thing that drives me to upload more is feedback from the subs, i.e. ratings and comments. Most YouTuber’s that actively upload encourage their subscribers to leave a rating and a comment. This let’s us know how well our videos are being received. Also it doesn’t hurt to do. Only takes a few seconds to leave a rating. Now I don’t have the most active subscribers on my channel. A big reason why I have a lot of inactive subscribers is because my channel is old and has a lot of dead subs back when I used to upload gameplay walkthroughs (without commentary). My channel has bugs and glitches because it’s so old. Not all of my videos show up in the subscription boxes. Which is unfair, YouTube is basically stealing views from me.

I don’t want to complain, because I’m grateful for every view, subscriber, rating, and comment I get. But when you’ve been doing this for as long as I have, it gets hard to be motivated to upload. When not everyone who has subscribed to you will watch your new videos. Now this is to be expected. We’re never going to get all of our subscribers to watch every video. I even do this myself. I don’t watch a lot of videos that pop up in my subscription box. You only have so much time to watch videos. Especially when you’re making them. There’s a big difference between someone who watches videos and posts videos. I feel that I understand YouTube a lot more than someone who casually watches videos. Over the several years I’ve been on YouTube I’ve learned not to expect too much. Because you’re going to be disappointed.

I’m trying my best to upload more on my channel. I’m trying not to think of the views anymore.  It shouldn’t be about that. I started making videos because it was fun and it still is. I’m planning on making videos for as long as I’m having fun doing them. Simple as that.

Peace & Love,


I’m Finally A Partner! (My YouTube Story)

It’s been a long time coming, but finally I’ve officially become a YouTube partner! It took a lot of hard work and time, but it’s paid off in the end. I want to thank The Game Station for allowing me this amazing opportunity. I’m hoping I make the best of this and grow my channel and fanbase. I won’t ever take this for granted and will appreciate every view, like, comment, and fan I get. I forgot to mention a few things in the video, but I will cover that later in another video. So stay tuned for that, and thank you guys for everything 🙂

I’m Back!

Hey guys I am now back on YouTube. I took a little break from uploading videos because I needed to clear my head and I wasn’t feeling too motivated. Well here’s my latest video, enjoy!


To The Future..!

Well it’s been a while since I actually posted a blog here. I’m hoping to change that, and post every few days here. Now I do upload videos on my YouTube channel quite   frequently. So you’re not really missing out on anything much, but I am a better writer than I am a commentator. The thing is I don’t feel pressured when I write, seeing as I can take my time and I can easily re-write things if I feel the need to do so. Doing a commentary is a bit different, because if you screw up you gotta start all over. I usually do commentaries in one take, if I mess up I start over. I never cut parts out, it’s always all in one take. So let me get to the point here. I’m going to start trying to be more active on this blog of mine. Seeing as I love to write, but I’m just too lazy to do it. I am planning on getting a dot com domain very soon and launching a gaming news blog, sort of like Kotaku mixed in with Engadget. I have a lot of big plans for this year, I’m hoping I can at least so do some of them. If not all of them. My YouTube channel is starting to take off, I have a very BIG announcement coming up in a week or two, so stay tuned. So guys here’s to the Future!